Port of Mars Website Redesign and Prototype
by Christina Carrasquillatitle
Port of Mars Website Redesign and Prototype
Arizona State University
Submission by
Christina Carrasquilla
Project Lead
Christina Carrasquilla / UX/UI Lead
Andrea Dsouza, Graduate Student Researcher Harmanpreet Kaur Bain, Graduate Student Researcher
Port of Mars is an online, game-based, social science experiment set on the first human community on the red planet. The project is part of the Interplanetary Initiative at Arizona State University and is funded the the National Science Foundation. The objective was to improve aesthetics, support branding, and increase the usability. A team of graduate research students gathered data and provided evidence for improvement. The website redesign prototype was created in Adobe XD. The challenge was that the website had a public facing page with information about the game, several secure, internal, dashboard pages for authenticated players, and content that is dynamic based on whether a game is scheduled to launch or not.
Christina Carrasquilla
Since the pandemic hit, I have radically evolved my approach to teaching and learning. I love what I do and have always measured success from my students' successes. While that hasn't changed, my evidence of success has changed. Whether a student achieves amazing designs or realizes that it's OK not to be OK or even small steps forward are progress, that's success.