Pfizer - Impactful Holiday Campaign

by Keely O'Connor
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Pfizer - Impactful Holiday Campaign



Submission by

Keely O'Connor

Project Lead

Creative Director / Ayman Tahiri


And as the founder of an Prosperitas, I educate audiences through powerful and emotionally engaging videos to take action on the world’s most pressing challenges. Through this medium and through these Holiday animations for Pfizer, we've specifically addressed many of the United Nation's Sustainable Development Goals, including Gender Equality, Quality Education, Good Health & Well-being and Reduced Inequalities.

This is significant for me because I grew up with a deep purpose to inspire others for mass change. I love what we are doing at Prosperitas, but I want to have even more reach. By collaborating with Pfizer, we were able to reach millions. And not about something political like the vaccine, but about issues that I believe everyone should agree with and care about.

Overall, we are so proud of this project series because it is directly aligned with our WHY:

Walt Disney once said animation can explain

Whatever can be conceived inside the human brain.

That means total freedom, no limits no doubt.

To catapult your business and bring change about.

We’re talking to you, change-makers and sweethearts,

Let’s change the world with technology and fine arts.

At Prosperitas, we believe in animation’s emotional impact.

We wear our hearts on our sleeves, it makes your audience react.

As fellow humans, your goals are our goals.

It’s our life purpose and passion, straight from our souls,

To use our creative gifts and this superior form of speaking.

In a way words cannot, and we’re not being self-seeking.

We impact larger audiences and solve the world’s troubles

And along the way, your joy and prosperity doubles.

We’ll share your mission in a way that’s compelling,

Bada bing bada boom - it’s called storytelling.

Featured Image of: Keely O'Connor

Keely O'Connor

Oh, how I love the Arizona creative, design and entrepreneurial community! It's the perfect blend of innovative yet supportive. Usually you can only choose 1 of the 2. My story goes out to Matt Adams, PHX design community helper extraordinaire, who I later found out is on the AIGA Board. It felt like Matt took me under my wing, not for any reason other than to HELP me. He saw that I was a young creative entrepreneur, and since he has been around the block, he didn't want me to make the same mistakes he made. Well, he has now been my mentor for a few months now and I couldn't be more grateful for all of his guidance, corny jokes and getting my right brain on track. Also, the Phoenix Designers Facebook group is like a warm hug. Thank you to everyone for supporting my journey. You all make me proud to be a Native Phoenician.

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