A Novel Journey
by Diana Cheektitle
A Novel Journey
Grand Canyon Education
Submission by
Diana Cheek
Project Lead
Ursula Suszko / Graphic Designer
Jason Boesel, Designer Josh Byler, Designer Denise Cheek, Designer Diana Cheek, Designer Kristin Fisher, Designer Jessica Foncannon, Designer Lauren Ikenn, Copywriter Maria Lance, Designer Denisse Montoya, Graphic Designer Preston Linzy II, Designer Keith McCord, Designer Jen Shibata, Designer Billie Worth, Designer
“A Novel Journey” is a passion project initiated by the designers within the marketing department of Grand Canyon Education to allow for creative exploration. The art was inspired by their favorite pieces of literature. The notebook is packed full of designs, activities, book-related information, and of course pages for sketching and notetaking. The final printed work was given as a Christmas gift to everyone in the department.