Put on a Hoppy Face

by Matt McCoy
featured image:Put on a Hoppy Face


Put on a Hoppy Face

Submission by

Matt McCoy

Project Lead

Matt McCoy / Deputy Marketing Director


Ben Mackey, Illustrator Matt McCoy, Text & Layout Design Mason Ale Works, Brewer

Put On A Hoppy Face IPA, The Loft Cinema's first ever beer collaboration, with Mason Ale Works. Released in October 2019 as a cross promotion with the 70mm film screenings of "Joker" starring Joaquin Phoenix. Illustration by Ben Mackey (Loft Cinema Marketing Associate) and type treatment by Matt McCoy (Loft Cinema Deputy Marketing Director).

Featured Image of: Matt McCoy

Matt McCoy

As Deputy Marketing Director at The Loft Cinema, I'm not only grateful to work within a creative industry, but to also work alongside an immensely creative team. Tucson has such a thriving and supportive design community, I'm humbled by the talented local artists I'm able to collaborate with.

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