Desert-Themed Educational Bank for Teens

by Julie Bonner
featured image:Desert-Themed Educational Bank for Teens


Desert-Themed Educational Bank for Teens

Submission by

Julie Bonner

Project Lead

Julie Bonner / Creative Director


Ashley Hiatt, Project Lead and Client Tiana Ronstadt, Owner of Power Women Investing and Client

Power Women Investing hired me to create the graphics for the unique bank to teach female teens about Saving, Spending, and Giving! This was a complex package design project including: 3 Separate banks, A multi-page booklet, and checkbook. The client wanted something beautiful that the audience wouldn't mind leaving on their desk and see daily. I enjoyed that this was an educational product to help young people be more financially-minded. The client is estatic with the final product and I feel like I'm helping a great cause!

Featured Image of: Julie Bonner

Julie Bonner

I just love when I can create something for good. This project helped teach teens about money. I think our design community can really help save the world – one project at a time!

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