Modern Iconography

by Charith Denson
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Modern Iconography



Submission by

Charith Denson

Project Lead

Charith Denson / Charith Denson


For what feels like forever, churches have relied on the same few symbols to communicate their message. In an era of faith deconstruction, it's time for new symbols as our faith evolves. This project allowed me to explore my own visual style while creating modern iconography. These new icons are meant to guide individuals to and through a message that may be difficult to understand through words alone. Each was created first from a black layer and slowly erased as an image emerged - much like carving a statue. These icons are intentionally imperfect, flawed and beautiful. As AI becomes more and more accessible it felt important to me to create these symbols in a style that's uniquely human.

Featured Image of: Charith Denson

Charith Denson

I've worked in the Marketing / Communications sector within Arizona based non-profits for a little over 15 years. But earlier this year I set out on my own. Moving to my own agency model gave me breathing room to speak into the projects I work on and it has freed me up to invest in the projects that excite me most. One of those projects was simply to find my own visual voice. I'd worked to support and build the identity of individual organizations for so long and had never had the opportunity to develop my own style. It's been such a privilege to have access to time and tools to create that visual voice for myself this year. The illustration style I developed has served clients like Axiom and others but it started as a practice for myself. This year has been a journey of self exploration in the design world.

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