
by Kara Casillas
featured image:Nobody




Kara Casillas


Kara Casillas

Submission by

Kara Casillas

Project Lead

Kara Casillas / Illustrator and Teacher


This work was created while reading "The Odyssey" by Homer with my middle school students. The cyclops was their favorite moment and asked me to draw something from that moment. I now have it in our classroom for them to look at if they ever need inspiration while reading that story or studying Greek mythology. I also use this work to express to them that literature can translate to a more tangible and visible piece of work.

Featured Image of: Kara Casillas

Kara Casillas

As a middle school teacher, I love integrating art and design into my classroom, my lessons, and my schools culture. We hold art shows for charity every year and use art as a form of inspiration and expression. I do what I can to help students find inspiration in art and culture through literature and history. My students have encouraged me to put my personal artwork on display as I have done for them throughout the years.

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