Featured Rebrand
by Rani Sweis

Featured Rebrand
Attic Salt
Submission by
Rani Sweis
Project Lead
Rani Sweis / Creative Director
Lauren Carr-Gasso, Content Strategist & Copywriter David Mas, Senior Designer Diogo Rosa, Website & Animation
Featured, formerly Terkel, is a Q&A platform that uses generative AI to scale the reach of human expertise. Subject matter experts simply answer questions, and Featured magically gets them placed in some of the most popular online publications.
After a second seed round of funding, Terkel was ready to evolve its homegrown identity, but in our exploration, we found that a name change was also in order. Together, we embarked on a remarkable journey to unlock the world's knowledge, starting with creating a verbal and visual language that empowered the company with the clarity and consistency needed to continue its rapid growth trajectory with confidence.
Featured is a place for experts to share their words of wisdom, and for publishers to get quality ready-to-publish content. The Quote & Cursor brand mark gives users a sense of familiarity by incorporating symbols found in their day-to-day tools.
To ensure this mark was versatile enough to work alongside any publisher’s brand, we paired it with a custom editorial-inspired wordmark.
Within hours of a soft launch, the social sphere was flooded with fan feedback. All unsolicited and 100% positive. That's cause for celebration!