AutoClerk Legends of the Front Desk Convention Booth
by Ryan Lowry

AutoClerk Legends of the Front Desk Convention Booth
Ideas Collide
Submission by
Ryan Lowry
Project Lead
Ryan Lowry / Design Lead
Robert Boland, Copy Direction Court Mann, Copywriting
AutoClerk, a Front Desk platform owned by Best Western, was presented with the opportunity to showcase their brand and product at a Best Western Convention. Thihs included a tradeshow booth, swag bag items, emails, and various other collateral items.
The theme of the event was related to Rock n Roll—centering around the location in Cleveland, Ohio. Based on this, Ideas Collide developed a campaign and supporting materials around a theme related to 80s Hair Metal. Legends of the Front Desk was born from this concept—playing off of Metallica's Ride the Lightning as well as epic hyperchrome typography.