Beaver Victory Ad

by Jackie Marlette
featured image:Beaver Victory Ad
featured image two:Beaver Victory Ad


Beaver Victory Ad


Jackie Marlette


Western Environmental Law Center

Submission by

Jackie Marlette

Project Lead

Jackie Marlette / Design and Communications Manager


Brian Sweeney, Writer

This full-page ad, rough size 9” x 11”, was designed for a nonprofit environmental organization to be printed in the High Country News. The client organization, the Western Environmental Law Center, uses the power of the law to safeguard the public lands, wildlife, and communities of the western U.S. in the face of a changing climate. The publication, High Country News, is an independent magazine of unblinking journalism that shines a light on all of the complexities of the western U.S. The purpose of the ad is to increase awareness of the nonprofit organization to the readership of the High Country News publication. This ad celebrates a major victory the organization recently achieved, protecting beavers. The captivating image and short descriptive text shares this important victory. The ad also has the organization’s brand, contact info, and mission so the intended audience can learn more, join, and support this organization.

Featured Image of: Jackie Marlette

Jackie Marlette

I would like to encourage everyone to do some type of creative effort for a meaningful cause you believe in. We all have skills and talents that can be shared to benefit our world. Jackie Marlette is the Design and Communications Manager at the Western Environmental Law Center. This non-profit environmental organization uses the power of the law to safeguard the public lands, wildlife, and communities of the western U.S. in the face of a changing climate. Through her design work, Jackie has increased environmental awareness, inspired action, and motivated thousands of people to donate to protect wildlife, wild places, and communities between the Rocky Mountains, Southwest, and Pacific Ocean. Jackie updates supporters with victories and their impact by doing graphic design, writing, and editing of reports, newsletters, emails, and other materials. Her creative, cutting-edge design skills and innovative writing are making a difference today and for years to come.

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