Music to the Spheres
by Chrysanthe Kapuranis

Music to the Spheres
Chrysanthe Kapuranis/The Little Brick Studio.Tucson
Submission by
Chrysanthe Kapuranis
Project Lead
Chrysanthe Kapuranis / Music to the Spheres
Natalie Gakopoulos, Pianist and Model
I researched and planned out the concept for the art to communicate a theme in astronomy. I was in school and studied studio art and took a class in astronomy and since then fell in love and combine the two disciplines into much of my work. The artwork was created for the annual, The Art of Planetary Science 2023 at the University of Arizona’s Lunar and Planetary Laboratory as part of an exhibition inspired by the solar system.

Chrysanthe Kapuranis
Throughout time Astronomers observe celestial bodies moving together in space. Greek philosopher, Pythagoras, had a theory that the distances between the moon and the planets are consistent with musical intervals since objects in motion vibrate and produce sound in a kind of harmony. This ancient theory is called the “Music of the Spheres” – A cosmic relationship with music. Planet Earth, with her unique song like birds chirping, and wondrous layers of rock formations as the Grand Canyon, carved over time by wind, sand, and water … makes one to contemplate. On a grander scale, it puts into perspective how small we are in a vast universe. As humans, we are a reflection of the music of the universe. It is important that we take care of our planet.