Indigenize the Valley Campaign
by Mariana Keymolen
Indigenize the Valley Campaign
Mariana Keymolen
Submission by
Mariana Keymolen
Project Lead
Eunique Yazzie / Creative Director and Primary Designer
Melody Lewis, Partnership Lead Candace Hamana, Brand Language Contributor
We were tasked with creating a digital ad that would go up on about 10 Becker Board billboards, thanks to the partnership aquired by Melody Lewis. The ad's purpose was to raise awareness and spread the word about Indigenous People's Day 2023 on October 9th as it is a well established event with multi-day activities all focused on bringing awareness to Indigenous people, their culture, and who they are today. With the branding given by Eunique and the CAHOKIA team, this design I created reached that goal by incorporating the themes of PLACE, PEOPLE, and CULTURE.
This is significant to CAHOKIA to multiply the awareness of IPD, to continue indigenizing various aspects of our daily lives and to expand the celebration of Indigenous art, music, and film.
This was also significant in my career as an artist/designer because it is my second "large-scale" project and it is always fascinating to see the new factors that come into play when you work at a larger scale. Thank you CAHOKIA for the opportunity!

Mariana Keymolen
I'm from Houston,TX and recently moved here! Thanks to having met Brittany Gene at an IDSA Women in Design Conference in Chicago, I was able to find and connect with the Arizona designers. Doors opened to I could tap into my artistic self again. Sometimes we can get lost in our design work and we lose touch with making incredible things that might not have a immense purpose. I remember meeting up again with her in Scottsdale and having laughs, learning about all the initiatives and art spaces I could connect with, and feeling like I was no longer "alone". Although I love remote work and I do see designers continuing in that path, I know for certain we continue to have times where we come together again because designers need interaction to fuel even more innovation. The design community is becoming more connected than ever, and not only in the design industry, but across industries and pushing for entrepreneuship. Here is to driving real change with design!