Patriot Hard Seltzer Can Design Concepts
by Hunter Saylor

Patriot Hard Seltzer Can Design Concepts
Patriot Hard Seltzer
Submission by
Hunter Saylor
Project Lead
Hunter Saylor / Graphic Designer
Back in July, I reached out to Patriot Hard Seltzer to design some can concepts for their upcoming whiskey hard seltzer. They had an initial design, but I wanted to take it a step further and make the can design pop more. Since the business is called Patriot and they’re American-made, I wanted to create a design for the can that used said ideas.
I took inspiration from the Malibu Rum Splash cans, in which whoever designed the can made the genius decision of using negative space in the design that’s in the shape of the Malibu rum bottle. I made my own negative space except I made the negative space in the shape of an American patriot from the Revolutionary War, hence the tricorn hat.
The boys behind Patriot and I talked about the design, going back and forth with a few ideas. We tried the negative space look, except we brought the black color of the can back into the design. Eventually, the client wanted to go back to the original can’s design, but we borrowed elements I created from the other cans, adding to the final concept look, which includes the colored band at the top with the cursive type for the flavor.

Hunter Saylor
Ever since I graduated in 2021, I’ve been working hard at growing my business. In 2023, I’ve focused a lot more in marketing myself through social media, having established an Instagram account @thedesignersaylor. Let me tell you, it’s no easy task to constantly create content. I still struggle with that. If I could give any advice to new designers and creators, it would be to establish a strong brand for yourself and to have lots of patience and optimism. The design industry is a competitive one that can be crushing for many, especially when it comes to applying for design jobs. By being patient and knowing your worth, you will get far in this industry.