Celestial Nature Passion Project: Postcard & Sticker Series
by Rebecca Otte
Celestial Nature Passion Project: Postcard & Sticker Series
Submission by
Rebecca Otte
Project Lead
Jen Shibata / Graphic Designer
Rebecca Otte, Graphic Designer
My postcard series was designed for GCE’s 2022 Passion Project, a project our agency does every year as an outreach to our company and as a personal opportunity for creative growth. My postcard series theme was “Celestial Nature” with each postcard having a specific emphasis on the sun, moon, or stars. I combined quotes, typography, and digitally drawn imagery to convey a message of gratitude and thankfulness that could be shared between friends and colleagues.

Rebecca Otte
I am not a resident of Arizona, but a mid-westerner who has been blown away by her talented Arizonan colleagues. They have challenged me to try different artistic techniques as well as to expand my creative visions. I do not necessarily feel as if I have contributed to Arizona, but Arizona has certainly contributed to my creative growth.