Theo Chocolate Spring Tea Confection Collection Packaging
by Mandy Arroyotitle
Theo Chocolate Spring Tea Confection Collection Packaging
Theo Chocolate
Theo Chocolate
Submission by
Mandy Arroyo
Project Lead
Emily Raffensperger / Creative Director
Monique Heineman, Copywriter & Creative Brief development Carly Hood, Copywriter & Creative Brief development
This confection packaging was one of the first Spring seasonal items to be re-designed since the 2019 rebrand of Theo Chocolate. I worked with the Creative Director at Theo to conduct seasonal trend research and develop the overall look/feel for the updated Spring product line. The purpose was to create packaging that felt fresh and celebratory of the Spring season, and represented the Theo brand with a friendly, organic, and approachable illustration style. We also wanted the confection packaging to highlight the quality of the handmade confections themselves. This design for the Spring Tea Confections met these goals by incorporating a hand-painted gouache illustration inspired by tea plants and including hand-lettering inspired by vintage type.